We've had a rainy summer dotted with heat waves, so you'd be forgiven for wanting to fast forward through September, straight to fall.
It's a great time of year for your kids to enjoy their swing sets, and maybe try out some of these other fun backyard activities:
1. Embark on a scavenger hunt
Hide items in your yard and have your kids hunt for them, either on their own or in teams depending on how many kids are in the mix. You can use stuff from around the house, or have them look for things found in nature (yellow leaves, certain birds, etc.)
2. Classic backyard games
Now that the weather is cooler, it's a good time for your kids to run around the yard without the risk of heat-related ailments.
But instead of just aimless running around or half-hearted games of football, try suggesting some more structured classics: Red Light, Green Light; Keep Away; Mother May I or Capture the Flag.
If you're feeling ambitious, bring back a classic from two centuries ago: the potato sack race. You'll need some old burlap sacks or – if you have younger players – some sturdy pillow cases you don't mind sacrificing in the name of play.
For more suggestions, be sure to read our guide to backyard games for kids of every age.
3. Chalk drawings
Chalk is easy to come by – just visit your grocery store, or an art supply store – and provides your kids with an inexpensive way to express themselves. Let them draw murals on your driveway or tic-tac-toe or hopscotch patterns on the sidewalk. It's a creative, fun activity that's easy to wash off.
4. Obstacle Course
Another way to let your kids burn off energy: Have them run through an obstacle course. Have them walk or hop along a garden hose, balance a ball between their knees, jump through hula hoops or crawl under outdoor furniture. You even find a way to work your swing set into the mix. Just make sure you've checked for safety hazards.
5. Playing in the sandbox
Beach weather may be behind us, but that's no reason your kids should have to stop playing in the sand. Even if you don't have a backyard sandbox, don't worry. You can create your own with a kiddie pool and some sand from a hardware or home improvement store.
6. Curl up with a good book
Not every activity needs to be a workout, and not every kid enjoys games like kickball or Capture the Flag. Some kids, especially older ones, may want to spend an autumn afternoon just reading. Put out some comfy chairs and let them get lost in their favorite book.
7. Fun with leaves
Here's a chore that's also kind of fun. Have your kids rake fallen leaves into a big pile, and let them jump in it. And if you have a backyard playset equipped with a sliding board, even better: they can slide into the pile.
And if you don't have a swing set, the fall season is the perfect time to shop for one, due to end-of-season deals and quicker installation schedules. Contact Swingset & Toy Warehouse today, or visit us at one of our locations, to learn how we can help make your backyard more fun this fall.