There are many strategies for getting kids ready to go back to school, from gradually moving bedtimes earlier in the evening to buying and organizing school supplies.
Back to School Traditions That Send the Right Message
8/12/17 8:45 AM / by Swingset & Toy Warehouse posted in Back To School
How to Get Your Kids Ready to Go Back to School
7/29/17 8:55 AM / by Swingset & Toy Warehouse posted in Back To School
Going back to school can be exciting for kids, but it can also be disheartening. After a long summer of sleeping in, playing outside or traveling to unfamiliar places, they’re back to working 9-to-5 (well, 7-to-3, but you get the idea).
This year, make things easier on your children – and on yourselves – by taking some time before school begins to prepare the whole family.
The Trifecta: Motherhood + Working + Being a Student
3/19/17 2:01 PM / by Swingset & Toy Warehouse posted in outdoor games, Back To School, Education
Work life balance.
Having it all.
There’s been countless articles written on this topic: women juggling family life and work. (There’s far fewer articles about men attempting the same juggling act, but that’s a topic for another day.)
It’s hard enough giving time to your job and while also balancing child play time, household chores, exercise and sleep.
But what if you’re attempting to balance work, motherhood and school? Not your child’s school schedule – as hectic as that might be – but your own.
It’s a lot to deal with: a job, a family and going back to school, but it can be done. The website Working Mother offers these tips (while also acknowledging that things won’t always go smoothly).
Child on the Shy Side? No Worries, Here are Some Tips!
3/4/17 3:24 PM / by Swingset & Toy Warehouse posted in Back To School, Parenting, Education, Conversation with kids
Socializing shy children might seem like a challenge.
While some kids are outgoing little fireballs, yours prefers to hang back and do her own thing. And while there's nothing wrong with being introverted, it's natural for parents to worry their child lacks confidence and is lagging in terms of social development.
Fortunately, there are ways to help your children build strong relationships with their friends and classmates. Read on to learn some tips for socializing shy children.