10 Tips To Help Get Your Kids Off The Couch

8/25/16 1:00 PM / by Swingset & Toy Warehouse posted in , ,


“I’ve got to get to the gym.”

“I’ve got to get back to my spin class.”

“I’ve got to work out more.”

We all know it’s tough to convince ourselves to get more exercise, but when it comes to our kids, there’s a different sort of challenge at work.

Your kids are more likely to want to, say, ride a bike than just run around a track. And they may not be in a hurry to rush out and exercise with their parents.

If you’re having this trouble, we’re here to help. Writing in the Huffington Post, exercise experts Brant Secunda and Mark Allen offered these 10 family activities that can get your kids off the couch:

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Protecting Your Wooden Swing Set Investment

8/11/16 1:00 PM / by Swingset & Toy Warehouse posted in ,


Like a lot of big purchases, your wooden swing set is an investment. And like any investment, you want to make sure it’s protected.

A good swing set will provide years of fun, as long as you provide the proper maintenance. Let’s look at some of the swing set care steps you can take to make sure your kids and their friends are safe at play.

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Fort and Fantasy: Building a Child’s World

8/4/16 1:00 PM / by Swingset & Toy Warehouse posted in ,


Do you remember your first fort?

What was it like? Did you make it out of sofa cushions? Out of snow? Up in a tree?

Kids love to build forts. And in a way, they need to build forts.

Speaking to the parenting website Kinstantly, educator David Sobel of Antioch College says creating forts, playhouses,and other hideouts comes from a universal drive children have to make their own places.

Sobel has found such places all over the world, in the woods, in the desert, in canyons and of course, in suburban backyards. He’s written a book on the subject (Children’s Special Places: Exploring the Role of Forts, Dens, and Bush Houses in Middle Childhood) and says fort building is a diminishing practice in the digital age.

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Getting The Most Fun From Your Swing Set

7/28/16 1:00 PM / by Swingset & Toy Warehouse posted in


What do you do with a swing set?

This may seem like a question with an obvious answer, but there are ways to get more fun out of your swing set than just swinging back and forth.

Writing on the Inspired Treehouse blog, pediatric occupational/physical therapist Lauren Drobnjak lists some ways kids can get the most enjoyment out of their swing sets.

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